Customized solutions across the healthcare spectrum
High-performing businesses use modern tools to improve sales, performance, and member experience. Your assigned members are used to "nudges" to buy things online, pay bills and connect with loved ones. Why not apply the same approach to member care?
Our solutions combine HIPAA-compliant text messaging and automated phone calls to achieve engagement across distinct demographics.
Please see some use cases below.
Having trouble holding your providers accountable for HEDIS outcomes? We can help! Our broadcast messaging feature allows you to send SMS text messages and IVR calls to thousands of patients at once and direct the patients to your on staff-patient coordinators or directly to the provider's office!
Instead of giving your providers spreadsheets to outreach members. Automate the outreach process and hold them accountable for scheduling outreached patients and providing quality care.
We also have a dedicated HEDIS module that allows you to view all HEDIS gap in care conditions at once and get the most value out of every patient engagement opportunity.
Mailing welcome packages is not as effective as it once was. Since 2016, every year postal service volume reduces by around 5 billion pieces of mail. Not to mention the amount of movement caused by unemployment and the economy.
With Sierra Health Alerts you can broadcast annual well visits, initial health assessments, and staying health reminders to thousands of patients with ease. Our broadcast reports will let you know how many incorrect phone numbers you have and we can quickly move into interventions to outreach those patients. We also have solutions to help find your patients with incorrect demographic data.
For most plans authorizing a service and mailing a letter is no longer enough to be compliant. It will be 7-14 days before your patient sees the letter which can be detrimental to the patient's health. How long do your authorizations remain used? 60 days, 90 days? Is it an issue with network availability or patient outreach?
Sierra Health Alerts can automate the member notification process via SMS text messages and automated voice reminders. More than just broadcast messages, the system has a dedicated Authorizations module so that you can gather powerful insights into why authorizations stay unused.
Many Medi-Cal and Medicaid plans have introduced CAHPS (Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) surveys over the last year. If you contract with Medicare Advantage as of 2021 CAHPS can make up as much as 32% of your STAR rating.
Sierra Health Alerts offers 3 modes of survey collection.
1. URL Links to Survey Questions
2. SMS Text Message Surveys
3. Automated Voice Guided Phone IVR Survey
Use these surveys to gather predictive analytics on problem areas in your network or plan interventions with providers that may need some help before the official CAHP survey reaches the patient.
Most plans today are required or are requiring IPA and TPA providers to have a system in place to communicate with patients in emergency situations or "States of Emergency". These requirements can be related to evacuations and health services available if displaced, access to telehealth services, your operation hours during an emergency, relief and CBO services and even Pandemic COVID-19 related resources in your area.
Meet your requirements using Sierra Health Alerts! We have the ability to contact all your patients within minutes and even provided automated responses for any patient follow-up questions.
The combination of CAHPS and Medication Adherence can account for up to 52% of your STAR rating. The majority of missed adherence measures stem from the providers prescribing short refill timelines and patients not being aware of needing the refill.
In today's age of eRx and bi-directional communication from the e-prescribing systems, something as simple as nudging the member for a refill can be a very effective way to close refill gaps.
The majority of growth in health plans has come from the mass move into managed care plans from traditional fee-for-service models. Patients unaware of how managed care plans work might continue to frequent the ER and miss much-needed care by the PCP.
Our system is integrated with some of the largest ADT (Admit, Discharge, Transfer) Health information exchanges (HIE) in the US and is able to catch and outreach your ER and inpatient members for prompt follow-up care. This is a great boost especially if you are held accountable for any TOC, FUM, or FUA HEDIS measures.
Ever wonder why your customer service department sounds so good when you pass by but your company reviews online are awful? Almost 40% of customers who have a bad experience will leave a negative review. On the other hand, 70% of consumers would leave a review if only someone asked them to. Do not miss an opportunity for a great review again! Through Sierra Health Alerts you can connect your patients via an SMS text message directly to your review page.
You can also do general marketing messages, birthdate reminders, invitations to special events all through the Sierra Health Alerts system.
85% of consumers expect a text message service from an organization they have a relationship with.
If McDonald's can text your patient, why shouldn't you? Our research has shown that patients who have constant communication over relevant information are far more compliant and have a better patient experience than patients who get random cold calls for appointments.
Sierra Health Alerts offers your traditional appointment scheduling messaging and so much more.
The Sierra Health Alerts platform has a feature-rich Bi-Directional interface that lets you not only broadcast text messages for appointments but also receive, reply and answer questions. Send your patients information that will guarantee they arrive on time and keep appointments. For example, send geo pins for directions. or URL links to reschedule appointments.
Our platform has proven to reduce appointment no-shows and improve your patient's experience.
As a California-based company, many of our clients have very diverse patient populations. The ability to be multilingual and communicate important information to your patients not only improves communications but also enriches your patient's experience.
Our system has support for over 400+ languages and dialects in both SMS text and Voice. Our work with the underserved communities at community clinics, rural health centers and FQHC's have allowed us to craft adapt our messages to comply with Medi-Cal and Medicaid requirements for appropriate reading levels.
Depending on your specialty or even due to the pandemic you may have very specific instructions for your patients to follow before coming to an appointment. It could be as simple as wearing a mask, wait in the car or stop taking certain medications and wear loose clothing.
We can help automate post-visit and pre-visit messages to your patients and even help reschedule if the instructions were not followed.
Your patients just had a procedure done, may even be unable to talk but you want to check in on them. What do you do?
Set up automated post-op surveys to see how your patient is feeling in just a few simple clicks. Our surveys allow for variable text response or numeric scales to adapt to your style of surveys.
Sierra Health Alerts counts with two core methods of uploading outreach data.
The primary is direct file upload. We have an adaptive source to target file upload system that allows you to upload from any EMR without worrying about templates.
We also offer EMR integration for systems that use Hl7, FIHR, and CCD. We are also the preferred vendor for the Meditab IMS (Intelligent Medical Systems) EMR platform.
Most medical professionals have multi-payer contracts. Along with that come multi-payer outreach lists for quality care gaps.
Achieve your quality goals by using our automated patient outreach via SMS text message or automated Voice. Our HIPAA-compliant templates can help motivate your patients to be compliant with quality care screening services.
In order to be HIPAA compliant no information sent via text or call contains PHI. In order to give your patients a safe and convenient way to access important information that is relevant to communications we have developed a white-labeled patient portal that is encrypted and contains any detailed information the patient might need that is related to your communications.
The growing movement into value based care has drastically changed the way many hospital and ambulatory care facilities receive reimbursement.
Sierra Health Alerts can help with many outreach functions on an automated basis to free up staff to dedicate more time where they can make the most impact. At the same time our patient survey systems can help implement real time interventions that help boost your value based care incentives.
HCAHPS (Hopsital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) and HOS (Health Outcome Surveys) have become one of the most important incentive opportunities for hospital systems. Designed to measure patient perspective in an objective way on topics important to consumers. You never know at what point in the delivery system the patient may have had an issue.
Capture meaningful data by taking surveys at the point of care and post-visit. Deploy real-time interventions to help address concerns and improve the patient experience.
Our system can integrate with many of the leading EMRs used in the Hospital and ambulatory care setting Including the below:
eClinical Works​
and many more!
Automate your patient follow ups and dedicate time more time with patients who need more help!
We can send customn alerts and surveys alerts to your patients based on your procedures and schedule to gather useful insights for your teams and your patients.
We constantly update our system with NCQA criteria and can help build reports as well as solutions designed for specific patient cohorts For example:
Follow Up after Mental Illness
Follow up After Cardiovascular events
Follow Up after Substance Abuse Events
and many more.
Perspective is reality. There may be times unavoidable issues can impact the perspective of your patients. We believe in addressing the issues as they happen help influce the patients and turn potentially negative excpriences into positive ones with proper reinforcement.
Through Sierra Health Alerts, you can engage patients within your care setting and quickly alert available staff to help change the patient perspective resulting in more positive expiriences.
Our system was crafted in with analytics and intelligence in mind. Far beyond a simple message broadcast or outreach system, every touch point in the system has a data point that can provide useful insights to your projects.
The system comes with real time Dashboards, data export to CSV, Excel, or PDF and any range of custom reports upon request.
3233 N. Arlington Heights Rd., Suite 307, Arlington Heights, IL 60004
847 .222. 1006
Sierra Health Alerts is a product of MedVision Inc.
Sierra Health Alerts | All Rights Reserved.